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Alton Towers victim reunited with the medics who saved her life
Alton Towers victim reunites with the medics that saved her
Alton Towers Crash Survivor Joe Pugh Describes the Event | This Morning
Alton Towers survivor Victoria Balch tells of collision - BBC News
Outraged Alton Towers Crash Survivors Want Smiler Ride Closed | Good Morning Britain
Alton Towers Crash Survivor Vicky Balch Feels No Anger Towards the Owners | Lorraine
Alton Towers Smiler crash victims 'were in horror movie' BBC News
Alton Towers fined £5 million over Smiler crash
Alton Towers Smiler crash: Wednesbury victim Chandaben Chauhan speaks out
Alton Towers: People are 'dying' to get in (Breakfast, 8.6.15)
Alton Towers victim thought she would die on ride
Alton Towers Crash Survivor On The Smiler Being Reopened | Good Morning Britain